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This great dry aperitif is a delicate drink to sip through. Adonis was invented way back in 1884 in honor of the musical Adonis shows in Broadway

Adonis cocktail drink


2 oz Dry Sherry

1 oz Sweet Vermouth

2 Dashes Angostura Bitters

Mixing method:

Stir all ingredients with ice cubes in a mixing glass. Strain into a cocktail glass.

Add some orange zest to enhance the falvours

adonis great aperitif

This particular cocktail, and more fantastic top cocktail recipes can be found under the Alcoholic cocktails category.

Adonis cocktail blend

Disclaimer: TopCocktailRecipes.com is only intended for responsible adults of legal drinking age around the world. This website and the cocktail recipes are only intended as a guide. Do NOT drink and drive. If you need transportation, use a designated driver or a taxi service. Remember to drink responsibly and have fun!