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Americano aperitif

Mentioned in the James bond novels, the ameriano bitter cocktail drink is both delightful and refreshing. This iconic aperitif can be enjoyed before every meal and extremely simple to make and very popular in America, hence its name. Originally it was also called the Milano-Torino cocktail, which indicates the origins of it's two main ingredients: campari from Milan and Vermouth from Turin.

A long drink with sweet vermouth and campari


2 oz Sweet Vermouth

1 oz Campari

Top up with Soda Water

Mixing method:

Stir Campari and Vermouth together in a highball glass and add soda water.

You can also experiment using equal parts of vermouth and campari. Topup with Perrier soda water.

classic cmpari drink

This particular cocktail, and more fantastic top cocktail recipes can be found under the Alcoholic cocktails category.

A classic campari drink with a bitter delightful taste

Disclaimer: TopCocktailRecipes.com is only intended for responsible adults of legal drinking age around the world. This website and the cocktail recipes are only intended as a guide. Do NOT drink and drive. If you need transportation, use a designated driver or a taxi service. Remember to drink responsibly and have fun!