A very special and classic cocktail, this pink lady drink is a sweet mix including angostura bitters and the punch of whiskey. This drink has a very long history, and was one of the most popular drinks with ladies back in the early days of the 1930s. This drink is said to be first invented during the prohibition era when lower-quality spirits was very common and added flavours were needed to cover the taste of cheap alcohol.

1 1/2 oz Whiskey 1 tsp Anisette
2 Dashes of Angostura Bitters
Mixing method:
Stir all ingredients together and strain into a cocktail glass.

This particular cocktail, and more fantastic top cocktail recipes can be found under the Alcoholic cocktails category.
whiskey and anisette ladies cocktail
Disclaimer: is only intended for responsible adults of legal drinking age around the world. This website and the cocktail recipes are only intended as a guide. Do NOT drink and drive. If you need transportation, use a designated driver or a taxi service. Remember to drink responsibly and have fun!