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Milk and Honey

A simple, yet so popular children drink all over the world. Children love this healthy drink most often taken with oatmeal biscuits.

milk and honey kids drink


1-2 Cups Milk

1 tbsp Honey

Mixing method:

Pour the Milk in a pan and heat slowly. Stir the tablespoon of Honey into the Milk until it blends properly. Pour into a coffee mug and serve while still warm.

a very fine treat for your children who like honey and milk

This particular cocktail, and more fantastic top cocktail recipes can be found under the Smoothies cocktails category.

non alcoholic children's milk and honey treat

Disclaimer: TopCocktailRecipes.com is only intended for responsible adults of legal drinking age around the world. This website and the cocktail recipes are only intended as a guide. Do NOT drink and drive. If you need transportation, use a designated driver or a taxi service. Remember to drink responsibly and have fun!